22 Jan 2023
Phil and Jim at The Farnborough Winter Half
It might have been -7 degrees C when they got up on Sunday morning, but Phil Wortley and Jim Lemin both got themselves out and to the start line of the Farnborough Winter Half Marathon this morning. The race is billed as "Chilly, but not Hilly" and although it's not flat (there's a few inclines and 125m of elevation) there are no hills and the term 'Chilly' was a bit of an understatement. Temperatures were between -4.5C and -2C throughout the race.
On the back of his 10km PB last week at Dorney, Phil smashed 5 minutes off his PB which has stood for about 24 years finishing in 1 hour 41 minutes and 42 seconds.
Jim, racing in the Masters 70+ category finished in 2 hours 4 minutes and 26 seconds.
Well done guys, now go and defrost.