31 May 2023
News from May 2023
The summer has started well. The club had it's AGM this month and it was great to see such a big turnout. We had a run down on the past year from our chairman and its great to see the club in such good shape having increased its membership substantially and a big thank you to all our sponsors who have agreed to continue sponsoring the club for the coming year.

This month saw a number of WTC athletes take on the Nettlebed Stinger - aptly named, it's not flat with a number of hills that leave a sting. Well done to Gus, Scampy, Graham, Matt, Bob, Ash, Helen and John Stuart. And double points for the club championships :-)
And an even bigget congratulations to Roger & Helen's daughter Amelie, who was the fastest girl.

This month saw our Chairman, Gary turn 50. I figure that needs a special mention in the club news ;-) Happy Birthday boss.
Running has been made a lot easier for our members who took part in a programme of running training from Elkie Mace. This series of sessions has been really useful for so many of our members. Thank you Elkie for running these.

Fancy dress continued through May with Rosie taking on spin classes at The Barn Gym in various fancy dress costumes in preparation for her cycle from London to Paris. (The fancy dress part was to raise awareness for her charity fundraising in aid of Cure Leukaemia).

Club swim caps are now available from our secretary, Kate, so you can look great whilst swimming in the pool or lake. (although it'll take more than a swim cap to make me look good in the water).

And finally for this month, well done to Sarah Soles who with friends with Steph, Pippa, Chloe and Tamara ran all the way to Paris! This endeavour saw each member of the all ladies team run a trail half marathon every day for 4 days, camping under the stars. The team run as a relay so each of them covers 4 half marathons to make up the distance. Well done Sarah!